To better ensure continuing competency and knowledge and thus better protect patients, CMAs (AAMA) are required to recertify every 60 months.
Current status is required in order to use the CMA (AAMA) credential.
Effective January 1, 2010, all newly certified and recertifying CMAs (AAMA) will be current for 60 months from the end of the calendar month of initial certification or most recent recertification.
For example: If you certify or recertified in February 2010, you must be recertified by the last day of February 2015.
To recertify by exam without any lapse in current status, you must pass the CMA (AAMA) Certification Exam at least two months prior to your certification or recertification expiration date.
To ensure that no lapse in current status occurs, the exam application must be received at least 30 days prior to the certification or recertification expiration date.
Note: Effective June 1, 2013, the requirement for current provider level CPR has been eliminated.