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News & Events

The AAMA—at the state and national levels—works year-round to protect your rights as a medical assistant and further your professional status. C​EO Donald A. Balasa, JD, MBA, is at the forefront of these initiatives. Review excerpts from his past reports to the House of Delegates and the Board of Trustees.

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View important decisions from past meetings of the AAMA Board of Trustees.

For members only

Read about the activities of past meetings of the annual House of Delegates.

View past videos of Chief Executive Officer Balasa as presented to the AAMA House of Delegates on the AAMA YouTube Channel.

Be prepared to celebrate Medical Assistants Recognition Week! Find everything you need—from MARWeek dates to posters to sample press releases—to spread the word and embrace the profession that's at the heart of health care.

Find out about the AAMA Annual Conference.

Read past press releases by the AAMA and access sample press releases for use by state societies, local chapters, and individuals.