MARWeek Logos

To spread the spirit of Medical Assistants Recognition Week, we are sharing the MARWeek logo with you. Use the logo* to promote the week in your workplace, classroom, or home:

  • Print the logo on T-shirts, bumper stickers, buttons, and flyers.
  • Embroider it on hats and apparel items.
  • Print it on giveaway gifts for patients, students, and colleagues.

The logos are provided in three file formats:

  • JPEG: This low-resolution (72 dpi) format is standard for web page design and PowerPoint presentations.

  • TIFF: This high-resolution (300 dpi) format is standard for professional offset printing or home and office laser printing.

  • EPS: The EPS format is resolution independent and can be dramatically resized for use on signage.

Downloading instructions

Right-click on the link to the desired logo below and select "Save Target As..." to save the image to your hard drive.

MARWeek Logos

MARWeek logo-fullcolor

2-color logo (JPEG) Black-and-white logo (JPEG)
2-color logo (TIFF) Black-and-white logo (TIFF)
2-color logo (EPS) Black-and-white logo (EPS)

2024 MARWeek Logos

MARWeek 2024_Full logo

Full-color logo (PNG)   Black wordmark (PNG)   White wordmark (PNG)
Full-color logo (EPS)   Black wordmark (EPS)   White wordmark (EPS)

*Use of the MARWeek logo is restricted to materials created in recognition of Medical Assistants Recognition Week for the current year. The logo may not be used to promote any other goods, services, individuals, or institutions.