Congratulations on Your Application!

You've determined your eligibility, prepared for the exam and thoroughly read the exam application. You're ready to take the next step. Learn how to apply for the exam. 

The Application Process

By submitting your application, you are certifying that you have reviewed and accepted all provisions under the applicant agreement and that you will abide by all the policies set forth in the CMA (AAMA) Certification Exam Application.

Temporary Timeline Change

CMA (AAMA) Exam registration processing will take 5 to 7 business days while the website undergoes maintenance due to the recent rollout of the new AAMA website.

Thinking about applying? The eligibility survey will get you started.

Exam Scheduling

After you're approved for testing by AAMA you will receive an email from our testing partner, PSI, about scheduling your exam. Testing policies can be found in the application.

More Certification Information

Learn about other aspects of the CMA (AAMA) certification process.


Explore your route to certification.


Learn about your exam prep resources.