AAMA is a Trilevel Organization Comprising National, State, and Local Levels
Volunteer leaders collaborate with AAMA staff to move forward with the organization's strategic priorities. The national association maintains the Executive Office in Chicago. State societies are chartered by and affiliated with the national association. Local chapters are chartered by and directly affiliated with their state society.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BOT) reviews resolutions to be submitted to the House of Delegates. The work of the BOT is guided by the AAMA Strategic Issues Plan, the blueprint of the future of the association.
The BOT includes:
| BOT Responsibilities

The House of Delegates
The governing body of the AAMA is the House of Delegates (HOD), which convenes each year at the AAMA Annual Conference.
The HOD includes:
- Members of the Board of Trustees (BOT)
- AAMA past presidents
- Delegates from each of the constituent state societies
HOD Responsibilities
- Determines the policies of the AAMA
- Amends AAMA Bylaws
- Conducts the election of officers and trustees
- Acts upon any proposals brought forth
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BOT) conducts the business of the AAMA between annual meetings of the House. The work of the BOT is guided by the AAMA Strategic Issues Plan, the blueprint of the future of the association.
The BOT includes:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Speaker of the House
- Vice Speaker of the House
- Immediate Past President
- Up to seven Trustees
BOT Responsibilities
- Oversees the financial affairs of the association
- Conducts the business of the AAMA between annual meetings of the House
- Appoints members to boards, strategy teams, task forces, and committees
Educational Boards
The AAMA also has two educational boards, the Certifying Board (CB) and the Continuing Education Board (CEB). The Board of Trustees oversees the CEB.
Certifying Board Responsibilities
- Prepare, administer, and evaluate examinations for certification and recertification
- Certify/recertify successful candidates
Continuing Education Board Responsibilities
- Continuing education articles
- Conference educational sessions
- Self-study products